Colors is the title of the new album by guitarist and composer Roberto Tola, to be released on May 29, 2020. Building on the success of the debut album Bein ‘Green (May 29, 2017), positively welcomed by international critics and hundreds of radio stations all over the world, in addition to a medal of countless awards, awards and international mentions.
The new musical work by Roberto Tola, promises the artist himself, will not fail to arouse the attention and appreciation of radio stations and the press of the genre, as well as fans, followers and Music lovers around the globe.
Nine songs new songs, including the remixed and remastered versions of the award-winning “Slow Motion” song, featuring the talented Californian singer Darry F. Walker, and “Lullaby of Christmas” featuring the virtuoso trumpeter Bill McGee, will be the tracks included in the new project.
As in the previous one, Roberto’s new album also offers a kaleidoscope of melodies and harmonies, which make each song different from the other, both in terms of sound, rhythm, harmonies and arrangements.
Roberto painted his new canvas, with the colors of the notes, which the artist communicates his feelings and emotions with; moments and experiences of life.
The album opens with Time and Place, a song originally written by Jill Saward and William Sharpe, founders and members of the legendary English Jazz-Funk band Shakatak, and here cleverly arranged by Roberto, in a more brilliant and funk version, sung by J. Saward in the original version, and here instead entrusted to the wonderful voice of Darryl Walker.
In addition to some unpublished songs that Roberto composed at a young age, the album also features the song Coco Loco, a Latin Jazz Rock composition of sure impact, where Roberto shows his versatility as a guitarist, but above all an unexpected orchestral compositional and arrangement ability, since the piece was composed and totally arranged by Roberto for orchestra, and entrusted for this to a real Latin Big Band.. directed for the occasion by Samuel Fuentes, talented caraqueño conductor (from Caracas), who also help Roberto to adapt and co-arrange the tune, in addition to play the clave and the cow bell as well.