ROBERTO TOLA – “A Christmas Ago”


Christmas is perhaps the most intimate, traditional and social feast that more than others unites most of the populace on earth,
an event that goes beyond the religious aspect, which has now become, in my opinion, the feast of the family.
Families everywhere in the world unite, and being together is, more than anything else, the very essence of the party, the
symbol of these enchanted days.

It is the feast of happiness, for adults and especially children. It has always been like this, and it will still be for days to come.
It is true, sometimes Christmas can be a moment lived painfully and with melancholy, especially when some of our loved
ones no longer sit at our table, and it is inevitable that our thoughts run to our past, to past Christmases, of which each of us
intimately retains memories, since childhood.

This is what reminds us how much Christmas is now a part of us, and it is vital to perpetrate these feelings of joy and serenity,
also turning our thoughts to others.
Every people on earth have a feast like our “Christmas”, or should have one, regardless of their ethnicity, faith or religious

I don’t care about this anthropological aspect of the feast itself, but the meaning it contains; that feeling of sociality, which
today is even more dear to us than ever, living together, in body and soul, in peace and serenity, with our loved ones.
This is the feeling and the thought that inspired me in writing this new single.

A Christmas Ago, is not only a song that celebrates Christmas, but it also wants to be a moment of hope for the future, with
the awareness that life changes and transforms, carrying within it our best memories and memories, that Christmas makes
resurfacing, and we should make our best to keep it on, always


Roberto Tola – Primary Artist, Guitars, Piano, Drums, additional Keyboards, Composer, Arranger, Artwork Graphic
and Designer, Producer, Soloist;
Zorina Andall – Vocals
Maciek Szczyciński – Bass
Mixing & Mastering: Roberto Tola – Eden Beach Studio, Sardinia Island (Italy)

         Available for digital purchasing and or streaming on the main music platforms around the world

Roberto Tola – A Christmas Ago
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