The first album from this new label, from which Edelman intends to promote Madrid jazz, is “Calle del Rosario”, an album in which a dozen musicians from different backgrounds have participated – the American trombonist Steve Turre and the Venezuelan singer Edith Salazar, Manuel Machado, Ramoncito Gonzalez, Moisés Porro, Fco Blanco “Latino”, Camilo Edwards, MacCatti, Beto Hernández … and that will be presented tomorrow, Thursday, at the Bogui Jazz, within the program of the Jazz Festival of Madrid.
The title of the album, Edelman’s fifth record production after albums such as “Connections” (2001) or “Fusion of Souls” (2003), refers to the street where this American pianist and composer set up a venue eight years ago
rehearsal and recording, now the headquarters of Jazzconexiones, a studio in the heart of Las Vistillas neighborhood, next to La Cornisa park, in the center of Madrid.
It is, the musician explains in his production notes, “a bucolic place” in the center of this “great city”, a city that he defines as “a crossroads between Europe, America and Africa”, a meeting point “threatened by the destructive forces of man. “

“For those who like to put labels”, explains Joshua Edelman about his new album, “I would define it as music that speaks in the language of respect and tolerance and that blurs boundaries between eras, musicians, audiences and cultures.”
Latin jazz, a trend to which Edelman has directed his gaze since his beginnings in Manhattan, makes its way with force in the twelve songs of “Calle del Rosario”, which includes a version of “Gracias a la vida” by Violeta Parra, together with jazz recreations of Chopin’s compositions, CPE Bach, by Duke Ellington, by Cuban pianist Ernesto Lecuona or by Juan Pablo Torres, along with three by the author of the album: “Calle del Rosario”, “Zorti´s Dance” and “Refugio”.
“San Francisco el Grande”, composed by with echoes of Gershwin, “Contrapunto” or “A poco loco”, an arrangement by Edelman on a 1951 composition by Bud Powell, a pianist who, after suffering a brutal beating at the hands of the Police, suffered psychic disorders all his life, with long stays in psychiatric hospitals, are other titles that parade through this new album.